Friday, October 8, 2010

What is blogging?

I just thought maybe this would be a good way to reach out to other's or keep in touch with those I know.
I am not sure what I am doing but I bet I'll catch on fast. I mean this is all new to me. I have been on a computer for about 10 years now and still not sure most of the time what I am doing. I do know it is great to keep in touch with my family and to friends and to save on postage . I hope I can be Witty or for sure Real when I get started. I might have to warn you now, that I have a belief so that may be used a lot on here. I am not the most interesting person but I have found the most interesting have been people just like me.
So here I am on my own blog site. Now, thinking what I would like to read on here.
Ya know, today I have a cold that is just bogging me down. I have rested about as much as a person can but have no ambition but just to sit and watch HGTV or ID channel.
It is the weekend and I have had to cancel my plans to attend a Women's conference at the McCook Christian Church. No one wants to be near a sneezer and cougher.
We went to South Dakota, and I think the only souvenir I brought home was a autumn cold. It has been miserable.
The trip was great though. I hadn't been to the Black Hills for about 30 years. I wanted to see the Crazy Horse monument to see how much progress there had been since that time. I last I saw it, it had a hold and outlines of what Korcek was going to do. This time I could see the face of Crazy Horse and the arm yet to be and in five years they hope to have the outline of his horse visible. I can't wait to see that.
Thankfully, Moun Rushmore was the same though the visitor center was very modernized and very nice. I loved seeing the flags from all the states standing at the entrance.  I would love to see one maybe two more presidents added but there is not room there.  I think John Adams and Ronald Reagan should be concidered somewhere in those hills but what a job ahead for some gifted sculptor who may not even know he has such talent like the mean before him.